Sport Center

Sports provide a healthy avenue for students to exercise and relax after a bout of studies. As they play, they get to release tension and stress. After a game or match, their minds are recharged and they go back to their books in a better frame of mind.

Students who play sports quickly learn that sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. They learn to be a good sport in both situations. It also helps them learn to deal with disappointment and go on.

Digital Classroom

Digital Classroom helps in continuous evaluation. ‘Memorizing knowledge and reproducing it on demand does not develop students’ reasoning skills. Digital Classrooms not only helps in monitoring and analyzing but at the same time helps in guiding the performance of individual student or group of students. It helps in coming out with an innovative way of teaching with technology-enabled education making the students flexible and tech-savvy. 

 Traditional classrooms are place and time-bound while the source of knowledge and learning was only a profession but now it is beyond that.

Gallery Space

Our school is really lucky to have things like the gallery though. It is nice to present students work like that. It makes students to take it a bit more seriously. A dedicated art space for students to display their work. Students can all display their art. Parents, friends and other teachers could come in and view their work, and they could view each other’s work too.

Open Library

Our libraries have a wide variety of books and journals. They serve as a storehouse of information related to textbooks and beyond. The primary purpose is to inculcate reading habits amongst students. The libraries have more books which include story, fiction and non-fiction books of different genres, picture books, classics, self-help books, bilingual books, science and technology books, reference resources for students and teachers.